Requirements & Rules
Once you have submitted your deposit via registration, you will receive an email with more details. Below are the dates and requirements to compete at any Miss Silver State & Silver State Teen pageants.
All contestants must be 13-37 or meet the age and/or participation requirements of the titles they compete for.
Must be a female citizen of the United States
All states are eligible to compete
Titles for Nevada residents only:
Miss Las Vegas & Las Vegas Teen (As of pageant day)
Titles for all other states:
Miss Silver State & Silver State Teen (13-37 As of scheduled pageant day)
Miss Southwest (18-37 As of scheduled pageant day)**
Miss Grand Nevada: Date 2025 Contestants ages 18-29 may qualify to compete in the Miss Grand USA Organization. She must be a natural born female, US Citizen, and a 5'5" minimum height with heels. Residency requirements: TBD
Teen contestants 13-18 - Must not be married, never have been married, and never have had a marriage annulled. Must never have given birth to a child, can not be pregnant or be a parent.
Miss contestants ages 18+ may be married, have been married, and have annulled a marriage. May have given birth to a child, can be pregnant, or be a parent.
Pageant date: Late 2025 - Interviews will be held on November 9th for local residents and those who wish to travel in a day early.
If there are 20-24 contestants in your division, there will be a $500 cash prize.
If there are 25+ contestants in your division, there will be a $1,000 cash prize.
All contestants will be required to sell AT LEAST five (5) tickets ($20)
$425+ ($150 deposit and up to 3 installments)
OR pay $150 deposit and sell 15 tickets (limited option)
The $150 Deposit will go towards your entry fee.
Includes a local title, 6 class prep course (Online, must be present) Full color ad page, and exclusive sponsor discounts.
Interview Outfit
White, Silver, Gold or Hologram, opening number ensemble.
Teens may wear active wear of their choice.
Miss may wear a swimsuit or active wear, any style in any color.
Floor-length Evening Gown
Runners will participate in an interview and select two additional categories of choice. (**Talent, Fun Fashion, Activewear/or Swimsuit.)
Written feedback, division placement will be emailed.
*Miss Nevada Volunteer is pending for the 2025 pageant.
***Times and dates are subject to change.
Available on our Events page
November 9-10 2024
Las Vegas, NV